BlackGaysHardcore (premium)
Quick intro
There are many things that you can do, and one of them is to watch great porn. But, finding a good site takes time, or just luck, or both, sometimes, and to join one, it would mean that you get a lot of pleasure which is more than worth it. This site is called Black Gays Hardcore, and with a name like that, you can only expect them to be just that, hardcore. The site also has a lot of surprises.
Site design
If you want good content, then you will feel right at home with this site. It has a lot of things to show, and many of them are great, really great, starting from the home page. The guys have nice bodies, and you can realize that you can see most of them on the home page, well, not most of them, but a lot of them. The design has a lot of the shades of yellow, starting from the top of the home page where you have a ton of content, that is, a nice, big collage of images, which shows you the guys in action, as well as the logo of the site.
The site also has two buttons that lead you to the members’ area, as well as another one that leads to the joining page. Apart from that, you can see previews, below, and there are many of them, and they are lined up top to bottom. Each preview has a description and a set of photos to show you the content. Apart from that, joining is the only way to see the full feature stuff, and that makes this site even better, especially due to the fact that after you join, you get even more content, that is, you get speedy access to it, and that makes things even better, especially since you can access it all form the mobile devices. There is nothing like portable porn.
The content
The dudes here are amazing, which means a lot to a porn lover, especially those who love the gay dudes. And since they are black, you know it, their cocks are long, and locked and loaded to blast their way through the anuses of other guys, black ones, too, and to make very good porn. They have a lot of passion and they love fucking hardcore, from start to the finish of each video. They also love blowjobs, which makes for very nice scenes, especially when the close ups kick in, where you get to see a lot of great details.
The site has over 120 videos, with a duration of 20 minutes, each. You can stream those, or download them, as you please. You can download them in WMV and MP4. The site also has around 10000 photos, all of which you can download, too, in the ZIP format, should you choose to have them on your hard drive. With over 20 other bonus sites from the network, you get a ton more of content, which you can, again, both stream and download to your pleasure.
Few words
With so much to see and do on just one site, the pleasure of watching these black dudes fuck one another is great, and you get much more than just horny black dudes. The site is called Black Gays Hardcore, so definitely give it a visit if you like seeing dudes penetrate one another’s asses, as well as a ton more of content, which comes for free with your membership, all different, all downloadable.