ALSAngels (premium)
Quick intro
Great HD fetish porn site, ALSAngels gives you access to numerous models that will fill your dirty desires for cleanly shaven chicks. Filled with solo, lesbian, and threesome scenes, this place reassures you that you’re getting an all-exclusive content that will satisfy your crazy fetish! There are also good bonus surprises, which make this place a fun-filled destination.
Site design
ALSAngels demonstrates a whole new level of xxx content through their shaved models that are very appealing and engaging. From the makers of the ALSScan site, there is no doubt ALSAngels only delivers pretty faces and high-quality porn experience for everyone. As per my experience, I also had an amazing one here. Through their uncompromising site designs and features, you will easily be able to access their wonderful place.
Moreover, the member’s area is simple and it instantly gives you what you want. They provide a chart that is filled with recent updates, the director’s cut videos and featured models. When you scroll down the homepage, you will also see naked models showing their nice bodies! These vivid thumbnails show how these shaved sluts are very willing to spread their legs so that you can visibly see their tempting pussies!
There is also a menu bar that brings you to the pages of updates, featured models, videos, customer service, main page, ALS DVDs, and ALS bikinis. Well, it’s too bad that there are no sorting options here but the videos are well-arranged by recently released updates, and the same goes for the photo galleries. Nonetheless, ALSAngels still amazes me because they provide Flash streaming and several download options (DivX, MP4, and WMV). The photo sets can be easily downloaded in ZIP format and each comprises of up to 100 to 200 pictures in 4896×3264 resolution.
The content
ALSAngels knows the deal for everyone who loves to see smooth pussies. This community delivers not only cleanly shaven darlings but also a high-quality performance from their models. I have seen so many sluts masturbating but this place is different. Their models are innocent-looking but they are really dirty and full or horniness! You’ll fall into a trance that will make you want to rub your cock so hard once you watch their videos! Their seductive eyes, while they fill their fingers with wetness, will make you believe that they want you to witness them cumming and moaning!
What’s also wonderful about their videos is that almost all of them last for over 20 minutes. This means you will be able to witness long sessions of masturbation, lesbian, and stripping scenes here!
In Few words
If you are a lover of shaved pussies, then ALSAngels is worth a try. This high-quality fortress will leave you wanting for more because of their irresistible sweethearts. They are all prepared to manifest the rare fetishes and kinks you want to see! Furthermore, ALSAngels has already stored a wide collection of videos and photo galleries that will make your membership definitely worth keeping. With all their gorgeous models and exclusive content, rest assured that you will never go wrong in ALSAngels.