Alexa Grace (premium)
Quick intro
On review is the online shelter of the British glamor model Alexa Grace. This premium porn site promises you the best strip tease content, in exclusive pictures, videos, and backstage topless photos which expose most part of her body, mostly in bikinis and lingerie. You might not be into strip tease but Alexa’s boobs will make your cock hard like never before as they look really sexy.
Site design
This being the only official site of Alexa Grace, much effort is put in to ensure that all the members and other visitors can easily access it and its content. After you access her site, you will first land on the tour area, which has an in-depth description of this glamorous model, together with a sample video which you can view, just to get an idea of what you in for, on this site. The tour area has a white background just like the member’s area, and you will also see a couple of Alexa’s pictures all over the site.
The members’ area is built in a design that links this site to other solo sites which also harbor sexy creatures just like Alexa, which you can easily access from this area. The site also arranges the videos and photos here in a very professional manner that gives you a breezy surfing experience. While navigating around this site, I can easily access the content here, with the help of a drop-down menu present here, to help you get access to different areas of this site. There is also an advanced search tool that is present here, to help you search different movies and pictures using their names.
The content
Alexa is a mature, glamorous hot creature who has a slim body but her boobs are definitely very sexy and irresistible. From what I can see on this site, I can say that Alexa is a professional since you will easily get turned on by her content even though you won’t be seeing much of her pussy since she is always wearing a pant. She also likes to keep her content as purely soft-core, mainly getting involved in strip-tease shows. On her site, you will find about 50 of her high-quality videos and about 40 photo galleries, which mainly feature solo shows.
The videos here are shot in a professional way, which makes the high-quality videos have very clear images with a high resolution. There is quite a good number of full HD videos on this site as most the most recent videos come in HD and you can easily recognize all the videos in HD since they are placed in one folder labeled as HD. The downloadable files of these videos come in about three MP4 versions where you can choose the most appropriate for you. If you just want to view the videos here, you can stream the videos in web HD version, using an in-browser media player. The playback of the videos is very smooth and you can forward or pause the videos immediately they start playing, after a buffer of about 5 seconds.
I also liked the high quality on the pictures here since they also show that very professional skills were applied her. Their color is very impressive and you can download them easily since this site also has zipped files available. Being a member here, you also get to access more than 3000 soft-core videos from other models, whose sites are connected with Alexa’s site. You can pay for this membership by subscribing to one of the four plans available here, annually, semi-annually, quarterly and monthly.
Few words
Other than her glamorous look, there is something special about Alexa Grace that makes her videos and pictures to be really hot.
The website doesn’t exist anymore but you can visit our selection of premium porn sites.