DaddyRaunch (premium)
Quick intro
The DaddyRaunch is a good gay premium porn site, where you can enjoy the videos of bareback gay sex, performed by some hot daddy-aged porn stars. These videos are quite exciting, and though they don’t seem to be exclusive, they offer lots of exciting hours. In case you are looking for gay porn, this site, and its bonuses will certainly make you happy for the time being. The DaddyRaunch has been online for more than five years, so it’s not an old site. During the past five years, the DaddyRaunch built up a fine collection, consisting of more than 250 scenes. After a short break it looks like the site has been updating weekly again, and this number practically supports this fact.
With the scenes they usually add picture galleries, with photos and video captions. Apart from the site’s own compilation of hardcore gay sex, you can enjoy a bunch of bonuses. The first tier of extras is the network access, which makes you eligible to browse five additional gay-porn websites, like the HarlemBoyz or the BackRoomFuckers. Most of the included sites offer semi-exclusive content, coming from professional and semi-professional hands. In this network, the DaddyRaunch is the hardest site, since this one focuses on bareback and fetishes. The second tier of the extras you get comes from third-party providers: you will find a selection porn DVDs, coming from different studios – these titles are updated weekly.
That’s probably because of the videos’ background. These scenes are not coming from any backwater studios: they are produced by the Hot Desert Knights, which is one of the first porn producers to do real bareback videos. This ensure that you get here great quality not just for the viewing experience, but also the performance of the guys is awesome too.
Site design
You might like the looks of the DaddyRaunch, or you may not. It’s all up to you, but we have seen this kind of site before, and we appreciate the simplicity and the neat tour options we get. The black is the main color, but it’s quite fitting for the actually heavy content, and it gives the site that hot hardcore feeling you seek. The tour lets you to do only a few things: view the pictures from the scenes, and you can also explore the videos’ list. Trailers are not available, but you can get the idea from the pictures. What you can see after logging in, is a simple, nicely build members’ area. It’s not overcomplicated, and its simplicity is for the best.
There is a banner on the very top of the page, and the main menu is located under that. For easier navigation they placed a search field on the right of the page, and there is also a dropdown where you can pick which site’s scenes you wish to be listed. The menu has every important option: you can go to the network sites and the bonuses’ area from there, just as you might choose from promo options, or just view the pictures’ or the videos’ page. The content of the DaddyRaunch is available in a streamed format, via the embedded player window that appears on each scene’s page. This is an FLV video, and playing it means you made a compromise: quick playing for quality.
To get the best out of your membership, you should download the videos, because the newer scenes come in crisp and neat HD resolutions, and though the older flicks are in SD, they look quite good. You can find the download options on the left of the page, next to the player window – there you can also find the files’ size featured. The videos are DRM free, so you can keep them as long as you want. In order to have a full experience we advise you to take a look on those picture sets too. There are several ways to enjoy them: you can save them as archived folders, but you can also start an online slideshow. These options are all available on the mobile site of the DaddyRaunch.
The content
So, these papas are really hot, and they prefer to play papas and papas instead of papas and mamas. You will see that these guys are usually over 30, and some of them are seemingly over the fourth X too. It’s not an issue though, because that’s the main niche of Daddy Raunch. Hot older guys fuck and fist each other in the ass, without using condoms. The daddies of the site are all worked-out, but they are not the jock- or gym-rat types, they just look good. Most of them have some tattoos too, and the mustache and body hair are making them hotter.
You will see that these scenes are studio-made, and they are done with care, to stand up to the viewers’ expectations. There is almost only bareback penetration, and that makes the site quite heavy, but the BDSM elements and the costumes are also giving a hot edge to these flicks. We are quite certain that you will like these videos, especially in case you are into heavy hardcore ass-fucking, with spanking, spreading. Some videos feature some very deep fisting, and you may also find some heavy threesomes taking place too.
Few words
The DaddyRaunch has an interesting compilation of hardcore porn. To be honest, we are very happy because the site really updates, and there is only one site in the network that had stopped updating (the HarlemBoyz). We give the site an overall positive review, because this content is really hardcore, professionally made, and the video quality increased a lot. You will find it soon enough that the DaddyRaunch has a lot for you to enjoy, and the 1,200+ extra videos are sweetening the bargain pretty much, so be sure to check this one too.
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