MadPorn (premium)
Quick intro
Mad Porn is part of a host of amateur porn sites that present you with fresh sex content that will tick you to the max. There is a host of performers and a variety of sex acts that keep you hooked and entertained for hours on end. The user submitted videos are impressive and strikingly great quality specs. Check out the ex-girlfriend theme that seeks to explore the antics of separation and reunion.
Site design
Mad Porn is wrapped in a mix of black and white background colors. There is a clear focus on user-friendliness. I loved the variety of content that can be accessed easily by a range of browsing options. There is a free tour page that affords users easy access and a sneak peek into the range of entertainment services available. Users are provided with an option to check out content by site or by the network. There is a list of browsing options that allows you to browse the videos by individual site.
The content tags also help you to check out specific scenes fast and easily. These features help you to skip from one platform to another and keep watching entertaining content that you wish at a time of your preference. Check out the categories outlined in the drop down menu and sample content based on finer selection preferences. The drop down menu also points to the range of navigation options available on the platform. Mobile device users have been included in the entertainment plans too. I could stream and download content with ease with my Smartphone and Tablet. The streaming experience is great.
The videos load so fast and the scenes unfold as if the flicks are being played on a local dedicated device. If you like to have extras on your subscription, there are several bonus sites available. Check out videos on such sites as Busted on Film, Pawn Your Sex Tape, Revenge TV, and Your Girlfriends. You will also be impressed to learn that the flicks are updated regularly.
The content
The girls are hot and sexy. The videos may not come in the highest specs possible but you get some great entertainment from the fresh amateur flicks and images. I liked the revenge element in most of the performances. The cuties are captured close to the camera; getting down in raunchy sex action with such zeal and gusto. You are also treated to scenes in which the horny girls are captured sucking cocks and making the dudes cum in noisy orgasms.
You are also treated to solo performances that feature the girls stimulating masturbation scenes. The scenes feature cuties from across the races. I loved the interracial scenes that feature stunningly hot black girls in raunchy sex action with white dudes with muscle and impressive giant size cocks. The sex happens in a variety of locations including office spaces. You will be ticked to the max when you catch up with scenes that feature girls sucking each other’s cherries in tender erotic fashion.
There is an intense sensation in the scenes that show you the hotties in deep kissing and humping encounters. Some girls are outrightly horny. They do not spare a chance to get down with a fellow girl or dude that they come across inconvenient space. There are over 720 videos to sample. The flicks come with varying playback spans. If you like to watch your porn in still form, check out over 1800 photos across the network.
Few words
Mad Porn is a dynamic ex-girlfriend sex content revenge platform with exciting amateur sex performances. Catch up with variety and hot sexy girls in amateur and entertaining scenes in various locations; outdoors and indoors. Mad Porn is your real amateur sex destination that with promise.
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