Pornxn (premium)
Quick intro
Claiming to be the ultimate porn site for lovers of extensive hardcore materials, PornXN is a mega-site that connects about 8 sites under one roof. Members of this site should expect to see a lot of dirty hardcore porn videos, where beautiful women are fucked using hands, huge dildos, and even dicks. The site also has a lot of dirty videos where men spread their natural juices all over the bodies of these beautiful ladies.
Site design
Among the porn sites that I have accessed so far, PornXN has one of the most simple, clean and in somewhat classy design. This basic design is friendly to its users as it is 100% responsive to mobile phones and tablets. Just as promised in the tour area of this mega site, this site connects about 8 porn sites under one roof, forming the PornXN network. The tour area of this site looks pretty professional as the information here is systematically arranged to help the users understand this site, within seconds of accessing it.
The professional design used on the tour area flows all the way to the members’ area and I can gladly say that it is very easy to access the content here. As a member, you will not encounter any difficulties while browsing the contents, all thanks to the several sorting tools used. PornXN allows the members to sort the videos here using popularity, dates, number of views and even scene titles. Other filtering tools available include models section, keyword search tool, and category tag. This shows that the site has more than enough sorting tools at the disposal of the members here.
The content
PornXN claims to be the home of the most extensive sexual hardcore videos on the Internet. As a member, you should, therefore, expect to see a lot of weird content, which includes fisting, pissing, and masturbation. Within a few seconds of accessing this site, I can see several videos, with beautiful white ladies, as they masturbate with huge dildos and other items including baseball bats. The ladies appear to be mostly amateurs and semi-pros, even though there are a few of them who actually look like real pros. Some of the sites here have the mainstream content, which does not include any extensive acts.
Members of PornXN can stream the videos, which are available in four flash formats. These formats, enable the videos to be streamable on most mobile devices, even though the 1080p full HD formats mostly streamable on computer devices and tablets. This site also allows the users to save the videos on their hard discs in MP4 file formats, where most videos have dimensions of 1280×720 pixels. These videos differ in running time, depending on the site from which they were obtained. PornXN does not have any pictures for the members to download or view. In my opinion, the pictures are replaced by the 500+ videos present here, with daily updates being done on this mega-site. New members are admitted to PornXN after subscribing to one of the three membership plans: annually, quarterly and monthly.
In Few words
I can say that PornXN is a good site worthy of your money and time if you love to watch weird hardcore porn videos. If you cannot tolerate such materials, you can also consider joining the site as there are quite a good number of sites under this network that offer creative videos, without any such scenes.