TheLuckyMan (premium)
Quick intro
TheLuckyMan is one of those websites that people probably talked about in hushed whispers. It’s one of those sites that seems, for all intents and purposes, simply too good to be true. If you actually get into the site and see all that it has to offer, however, you will find that this is not just a legend. The site actually exists, and it is just as good as you could possibly imagine a site like this being!
Essentially, TheLuckyMan is a porn site that focuses on reverse gang bang. This is a unique and very specific niche and this site does seem to pull it off with élan. However, does this site really pull it off, or is it truly too good to be true? We will examine two different aspects of this site – its design and features and content, i.e. girls and videos. These are two specific aspects that make a website stand out among the crowd.
Site design
Let us start with the logo of the website. The logo of the site comes as a real surprise, because such logos might end up being a little garish and distract from the porn itself. The four leaf clover is certainly a bold choice, but it works here. It really contributes to the whole lucky man vibe, and helps set the color scheme for the rest of the site as well. Lovely soft greens are what this site is colored with, and there is very little else that you can do when you have such a fantastic color scheme on your hands.
Additionally, the site’s video player is highly commendable. You are given a fully customizable experience that can fit your specific porn viewing needs, something that not a lot of porn sites tend to focus on. It is to TheLuckyMan’s credit that there is so much attention paid to this.
In fact, attention to detail is rife throughout the site. There are so many little things that help make the site accessible and user friendly, with some of the most important being the tabs that are easily located on top of the site. There is a member login as well as a subscribe button, along with tabs that take you to the video area, the bonus sites that you get after paying for this one, and even a merchandise section with some affordable and tasteful items.
This is widely considered to be the best porn network in the world and for good reason. Each website deals with a specific fetish, and you are definitely going to find something that you would be into as a result of this.
However, the good news doesn’t just stop there. You are going to be able to subscribe to all fifty websites within this network, including TheLuckyMan of course, for a very low fee indeed. If you want to try before you buy, a fair enough request, you can enjoy a free trial that lasts not one but two whole days. This is admirable, as you can stream as much porn as you want during these two days. Once you decide on buying a subscription, you can opt for monthly, quarterly or annual subscriptions. One of the perks you get for subscribing with pay is that you are allowed to download as much content as you want. That’s right, you will be able to watch porn offline as well, so this site really has a lot going for it.
The content
TheLuckyMan does not just focus on gang bang porn, it focuses on fantasy and wish fulfillment as well. Who doesn’t want to be the kind of alpha male that can seduce a group of beautiful girls and make them his willing sex girls? The storylines portrayed in the porn on this site are excellent, and even though they are quite interesting and enjoyable they never seem fake, even though they are not quite possible in real life.
An example of a story line is that of a man who is at the gym pumping iron and keeps getting distracted by the women at the gym. He ends up seducing all five of them, taking them home and making them take his cock like good and obedient girls! It’s a very hot scene for sure, one of the hottest porn scenes on the internet, but it is just standard fare when it comes to the incredible content that TheLuckyMan releases on a regular basis.
One truly great aspect of the porn on this site is the willingness of the women to be dominated. It’s really hot for any man to see a woman that is eager to kneel in front of him and wait for his come, but to have it done with not just one, not two, but five women at the very least? That is something that not a lot of porn sites are able to do, and none do it very well. All in all, the content is some of the best you will be able to find on the internet. This site offers you the best reverse gang bang porn that you will find in the internet.
The girls are hot when naked, with breasts and nipples that entice you to play with. Pussies are pink and inviting you to fuck them. The models and actors are professional and know how to enjoy on camera. This is precisely what you want when you watch porn because faked performances put you off and do not guarantee an enjoyable viewing experience.
Few words
If you are looking for some porn that can get you amazing orgasms, porn that you are never going to get bored of, then TheLuckyMan is a great bet for you. It has everything that you could possibly want from a porn site, and is so cheap that you would not even notice the scratch in your bank balance whenever you pay. Go for the annual subscription, spend a measly amount and sit back and relax for the rest of the year, fapping whenever you want to.