TotalLesbian (premium)
Quick intro
Awesome HD lesbian porn site, TotalLesbian presents exclusive xxx movies where the hottest darlings from different porn generations get together for smoking hot titties and pussy pleasuring! You’ll be pretty pleased by their genuine passion for what they do and of course, their wet and wild orgasms. The full HD videos present excellent camera works and you’d be able to see the actions from different angles. The models also talk dirty to one another and explore their naughtiest fantasies without hesitations. Whether you’re into amateur sweethearts or you are into well-experienced MILFs, trust that you would feel an overflowing surge of lust and excitement because everyone in this community just couldn’t get enough of the actions!
Site design
TotalLesbian’s collection is exclusive to the members of the StaXXX Network. The official platform is simple and you can easily notice the absence of advanced browsing tools. However, the network chose the minimalist style so that the viewers can focus more on the content. After all, the basic browsing tools available can do the job as effectively as the advanced ones. The minimal approach also makes the videos and pages load fast which is pretty impressive especially if you are using your mobile device.
The videos are not dated but they have well-written descriptions, high-quality screencaps, and tempting teasers. They can be downloaded as MP4 files at a limit of 10GB per day. If you cannot wait and you want to test the water right away, just click on your desired scene and you will see a pop-up player. The photo galleries also have an option for downloading the images in Zip files. Saving one picture after the other is really time-consuming so you can say that this feature is really fantastic.
The content
TotalLesbian guarantees that you’ll have the most unforgettable lesbian porn-watching experience inside its premises. This erotic community allows you to watch everything from the very beginning -from the models getting dressed and having nasty and fun chitchats backstage. When the cameras officially roll, you will find them all looking solemn and passionate, eagerly anticipating what’s about to come. These girls do not follow scripts, they simply follow what their hearts and bodies desire. Some of the hottest performers that would surely keep you watching one video after the other are India Summer, Chastity Lyn, Nina Hearts, Zoey Holloway, Taylor Layne, Kiera Winters, Tristan Lee, and Carmen Hayes.
In few words
Porn viewers might have different opinions about the beauty and appeal of each porn category. But when it comes to lesbian porn, you can easily agree that many viewers think it’s hot. There’s just something special at the sight of sexy women kissing and touching each other’s tits and pussies. You can feel the burning passion simply by listening to their erotic moans and by watching how they arch their sexy bodies and shiver in sexual pleasure. If you’re not yet convinced, watch what TotalLesbian has done so far, and you would surely agree that lesbian porn is the best!