TrannyCandy (premium)
Quick intro
Great HD tranny porn site, TrannyCandy is a kinky shemale community that features beautiful models from Europe. These models look very feminine and they can easily lure you into their nasty world with their oozing charm and passionate attitude. The way they play with their fake tits while stroking their huge cocks is something that would surely burn a hole in your memory. However, no matter how sweet they appear at first, don’t think of them as vulnerable lovers because they can fuck their fellow shemales with the same strength, intensity, and fierceness just like straight men.
Site design
TrannyCandy sounds like it’s a delicious treat. But what’s better is that it is not all about fake promises. It indeed offers high-quality tranny porn movies where every act looks and feels delicious. This collection comes from the professional filmmakers that make up the StaXXX Network, an adult film studio that is already known for its delectable and award-winning porn sites.
The official website is not as fancy as you would expect from a big porn network. However, even if it might look to you as a basic one, it can give you the premium experience you are looking for. Accessing the movies is made very easy for you. The homepage and the Scenes page present sexy thumbnails, brief descriptions of the actions, and a clickable button below the player that will take you to the list of performances of the featured trannies. You can watch the teasers first and move on to other choices if the scenes do not arouse you, although it’s quite unlikely given the raunchiness of the teasers. Listed as well are your streaming and downloading options.
The content
TrannyCandy is an amazing xxx hub for fans of bareback porn that features sexy and horny trannies. Even if it is not your thing, you would surely feel amazed at the unusual yet interesting combination of huge tits and cock in one body. When the models start talking dirty while playing with their fake boobs, you would see how their sexual libidos run high as their cocks begin to grow hard. The stroking scenarios are so wild you would even wank your own, too. Most of the actions feature a hot shemale fucking a fellow shemale then vice versa. From time to time, you’ll also see straight men joining the fun. All the performers are extra kinky, however, you may want to watch out for Nicolly Pantoja, Livia Dimitri, Yasmin Victoria, Estela Duarte, Mariana Lins, and Julia Alves.
In few words
Among the impressive network of sites, TrannyCandy is one of the site’s newest collections. There are not so many videos at the moment, however, the overall quality of the shemale-themed movies is already making waves in the biz. The creators are evidently taking their time to come up with high-quality movies. The good thing is, when you sign up as a member of TrannyCandy, you are essentially signing up for almost the entire network that has over 2000 movies in total.