1001Dvds (premium)
Quick intro
1001DVDs is among the best premium porn sites where to find HD sex videos and adult DVS featuring top rated pornstars.
Site design
1001DVDs is a simple scroll-and-click website. You can just keep clicking the down arrow to see more and more videos. Each video gives you a percent of thumbs up versus thumbs down rating. You can also see the popularity of each video by checking to see the number of views it has. When the site says High Definition it means it. There is very little pixelation in the design and the graphics allow you to see the intimate details before you even click on a video. The color scheme of the site is also pleasing on the eye.
The content
1001DVDs features some of the biggest stars in the industry, as well as new stars that are working their way towards the top. The Japanese women are participating in a taboo that would cause them to be outcasts in their culture, but they seemly can’t help themselves whenever an American male with a large penis wants to fill their holes. The anal scenes are especially great.
I was surprised to see how many new stars there were on this site. As much fun as it was to see my favorite stars be nailed on a couch and have their faces cummed on, I would have liked to have an option where I just got to see the unknown actresses.
The benefits of using this site include a large archive of full videos and HD porn that is updated daily. This is important because you will never run out of fresh content. Of course, as with a lot of sites, 1001DVDs has a secure and anonymous payment method when creating a membership. With a focus on good public relations and trust, I never encountered any hidden fees or felt like they were trying to rip me off. It was simple and easy to enjoy the benefits of total access.
Membership costs a lot less than memberships on other porn sites. I would suggest taking advantage of their low monthly cost. With titles like “I had enough of you, bend over,” you know what type of films you are getting from these videos that are so taboo in Japanese culture. I am not even sure if the website is allowed to function there on major web browsers like it is here in the US. I would classify this website as fun because there is nothing like innocent-looking Japanese women getting rammed with massive cocks for the first time.
Few words
1001DVDs is a unique website amongst porn sites. At first it seems like a loose collection of different movies, ranging from high-quality amateur videos to porn from the best studios, but you soon find the one common Japanese connection. You will have a great time watching these videos because before every scene you will likely ask yourself, “How the hell will that fit in there?” The good news is that is does fit every time (after a little work) and it is glorious once the woman is committed to taking the large gobs of cum in her tight little hole.