Exxxtasy (premium)
Quick intro
How many types or niches of porn do you like? I bet you can name five or more. That’s the average number of niches that an average porn fan likes. For me, it’s MILF, interracial, blowjob, and I don’t want to share the other two because it’s a secret. But enough about me, let us talk about you. Have you found the porn site that you really belong to already? Well, if you are reading this article right now, then chances are, the answer is no, or you are still searching for a much better porn site that’s why you’re reading our short porn reviews. That’s okay. We are more than happy to help you out with your porn escapades.
In any case, with the number of the niches that you like, you might be looking at three to four premium memberships just to fulfill all your porn needs, is that right? If you’re lucky, you can register for a network, but that’s going to be a wee bit more expensive, not to mention inconvenient going from one site to another. Don’t you just wish that there were a single porn site that would hold all your porn needs in one place? A porn site that requires a single membership, because you won’t need to register for any other porn site? A porn site that also produces high-quality videos at the same time? Well, you are in luck my dear friend because that is exactly the type of porn site that we are going to review right now.
This premium porn site’s name is Exxxtasy and it’s the xxx site that we’ve all been looking for. First, it’s got all the different niches in one place. Next, it’s got really high-quality videos (don’t worry, we are going to talk more about that later on). And finally, it only requires you to visit a single paid porn site. Although, just in case you are wondering, it is also in partnership with another premium porn site, which is Roku HD, another home of high-definition videos. By signing up for Exxxtasy, it will grant you access to the Roku HD site as well, so that’s two mega porn sites in one monthly payment!
Are you thinking of signing up already? Then, by all means, don’t hold back. All you need to do is to click on the sign-up link. After doing so, you will be lead to another page. This page would contain the registration form. Don’t worry, it’s pretty basic so it should not take you more than a couple of minutes to complete. After that, you will have three choices: a trial option, a one month option, and a monthly option. We’ll share with you the other membership perks a little later.
Site design
For now, let us talk more about the layout of the porn site and its website design. The overall design of Exxxtasy, along with its theme colors are pretty simple. For the color theme, it’s just red and white, with a hint of black here and there. As for the layout, it’s really basic as well. Nothing fancy and very user-friendly. Once you land on the page, you will be treated to a fascinating display of the sliding banner of the Exxxtasy site. It’s a teaser of sorts, of the things that you will be able to enjoy once you have signed up for membership. They actually have a promo right now, which I will share with you right after this review so watch out for that!
Scrolling down, you will start seeing the thumbnails that represent their latest uploads. Keep checking this page regularly because the porn site is also regularly updated and this is where you’re going to see their new additions. In any case, these thumbnails contain the most action filled scenes and if you hover over them, more scenes will be revealed. They also contain a couple of information about the video they represent such as the title, the date of the upload, how many views the video already received, its length, and finally, it’s five-star rating.
The content
I love the girls in this premium porn site because they all look so classy. They don’t look like sluts. In fact, they don’t even look like porn stars at all. Don’t you just hate it when the porn site that you’re currently on features slut looking chicks? I do. It takes away the fun because the girls look so easy. But in Exxxtasy? Oh man, the girls look hot as hell. It wasn’t mentioned that the porn site was focused on a certain type of chick, but all of the chicks we’ve seen so far are blonde and brunette beauties. All Caucasian.
As for the videos, like I said, this porn site offers variety. And of course, if you don’t find their content to your liking, then you could always head over to Roku HD to enjoy more.
Few words
I know that you are already so excited to find out the main feature of this short review. Exxxtasy actually has a promo right now. You may enjoy your first three days for free. That’s right, they have no trial fee, unlike the other porn sites where you need to pay a buck a day just to take a look at the site a little better. But in this porn site? You can go on for three days without paying a single cent.
Remember, we are not connected to Exxxtasy in any way. We are simply sharing the love of porn sites with other fans through our reviews so there’s no way for us to know how long this promo is going to last. So what I personally suggest is for you to register right now as long as the promo still lasts. Good luck!