NipponHairy (premium)
Quick intro
Top HD hardcore porn site, NipponHairy offers a collection that can easily catch your attention if you’re into hairy muffs. As it is obvious from the title, the models you will meet inside are all from Japan. If you are a fan, then you know they moan like crazy! In the videos, you’ll find them playing with their tits and pussies, with extra attention to their pubic hairs. But, the hot actions do not stop there. These ladies do not get fully satisfied with masturbation and so they go after guys who are willing to fill their hungry holes and give them facials and creampies. They always want the messiest endings so they often entertain at least two lovers in one nasty session!
Site design
Accessing the high-quality collection of NipponHairy requires you to go through the general members’ area of the StaXXX Network. However, do not get confused because even if the network holds many collections in one place, the videos of NipponHairy are already sorted out for your utmost convenience and satisfaction. You will find the latest scenes on the homepage and you can start your fappin’ pleasures from there. However, you are always welcome to visit the video page if you want to view the entire hairy collection.
The simplicity of the site allows you to move with ease. You would also appreciate the brief yet juicy details that are posted for each video. And while not every scene offers a photo set, there are tons of galleries you can check. Mind you, the photos are not screencaps, they are taken professionally and have been uploaded to the website for added entertainment.
Of course, your bonus porn collections from the StaXXX Network are something you’d want to check as well. Just go to the dropdown menu and you can find the complete list. Just click on the site’s title and you will be redirected to the designated landing page for that collection. Some of the collections that you would surely find entertaining are Compton Booty, Ass America, Black Please, Boob Banger, Love Ebony Pussy, First XXX Video, and Koo Koo 4 Porn.
The content
NipponHairy’s model directory might look foreign to you. But, even if the names of the models do not ring a bell, give them a chance and you will surely think of their names wherever you are. After all, their hairy pussies and wild attitude in sex would surely keep you watching one video after the other. The HD scenes usually run for half an hour and they are complete with all the elements of foreplay, oral sex, hardcore fucking, and messy creampie endings. You will surely praise the cameramen’s effort in filming the hot scenes from various angles and in crystal clear close-up shots!
In few words
NipponHairy covers an amazing array of hardcore kinks without straying far from the main theme. All the models are from the Land of the Rising Sun –you can easily tell because of their physical attributes. But of course, what makes them worthy of your time are their hairy pussies that are always hungry and looking for cock fillings.