Vivid (premium)
Quick intro
One of the biggest pornstar porn sites, Vivid brings us hundreds of uncut and lengthy HD pornstar videos. You can also find a variety of other contents like sexy pictures, live shows, and bonus feeds in this pornstar xxx site. You will surely drop your jaw with these hot porn star videos so be sure that you have prepared yourself for the kind of adventure that awaits in Vivid.
Site design
Vivid brings us clear high definition porn videos that are kept in a smooth and user-friendly website. The moment that you visit the page, you will immediately see what you expect to see in the site, porn videos and nude photos of these celebrities and porn stars that will surely make you feel excited and hot. Just like the usual porn sites, this site is divided into several pages that contain different contents. There is the homepage where you can see the latest updates, the featured sites and contents, and of course, the celebrity videos that are making the site more popular. Since the photos and the videos can be browsed separately, you can find a separate page for these two.
You can find the same content structure in the pages but only that one is intended for videos and the other one is for the photos. The site has sorting options that are very convenient to use. You can sort according to date, ratings and title. There is also a category index where you can easily select videos from the list of categories. The site also has a pagination that eases the method of browsing through the pages. There is also a models index in the site. Here, you can see newly added models and their pictures. Unfortunately, you cannot find a lot of interesting information about the models in this section. So if you’re intending to know your favorite model in a deeper and more personal level, this site cannot help you with that.
However, the site can help you satisfy your sexual desires with its collection that’s running around 6000 scenes already. All these videos are guaranteed to be sleek, crisp, sharp and High Definition. You can find 1920×1080 videos in varying lengths. The site’s flash player is available in medium size, which allows smooth playback and one to three seconds buffer-time. You can also jump ahead immediately into the scenes which is great for browsing the full-length video. Aside from the flash player, you can also find dates, tags, a short description of the video and the name of the models in the scene. The pictures are also fine looking as the videos. These are available in 720×540. The level of photography is professional with good lighting and minimal edits. Just like the videos, you can not download the photos in zip sets or individually. Basically, you are only left with browsing and streaming the videos online but that’s not a big problem though. The site is still worthwhile since you will surely be kept entertained the entire time. There are also awesome bonus sites to expect aside from the videos and photos from Vivid.
The content
Vivid is undeniably the biggest adult entertainment site. Along with this comes a variety of beautiful and sexy porn stars that are not only limited to those who went through the casting couch but also celebrities who take pride in their sex life. You can find videos which feature Kim Kardashian, who I think is the most popular celebrity who has been featured in the legendary sex tapes in this site. However, let us not also overlook the greatest porn stars of all times like Lanny Barby, Brianna Banks, Savanna Samson, Jenna Jameson, and Tera Patrick, whose videos are also some of the best finds in Vivid.
Alexis Texas, Melissa Moore, Riley Reid and Ariana Marie are also the hottest names in the industry that you should also check out. There’s also a balance between these legends and the newbies in the porn industry, so if you are looking for new faces to match your taste, you can also find some great choices here. The girls have outstandingly gorgeous physique, a nice pair of boobs, a large squishy ass, a sleek curve and a seductive face. They are also oozing with sex appeal and charisma. You cannot only find these models in the videos but they are also taking turns in taking in webcam offers where you can mostly find around 50 of them at a time.
The videos are not only limited to mainstream hardcore porn flicks but there are also a few other vids that are out of the blue. One of the most interesting porn videos that you can find is the one produced by Axel Braun. There are superhero parodies which feature your favorite superheros in a steamy and kinky sex escapade. There are videos inspired by X-Men movie, Iron Man and Man of Steel. The videos in Vivid are surely out of this world, that some even won some recognitions and awards from different groups such as the “Best Film” and the “Featured Movie of the Year” awards.
In Few words
Vivid is surely a very promising pornstar porn site that will never disappoint. For 33 years now, the site has been consistent in producing high-quality pornstar videos that include celebrity sex tapes too. And for 33 years, the site continues to redesign and aim for excellence as you can see by comparing the different website designs through the years. Currently, the site achieves a flawless and smooth user interface to highlight its contents effortlessly. More and more users are also drawn into this convenience thus increasing the popularity and sales of the site. The videos are also top notch. You can find legit high-quality flicks that are offered in full length. There are also awesome bonus sites that are very exciting to watch. You can have all these great contents by signing up with the cheap membership fee of the site.